WIPRO Campus Drive

Friday February 05, 2016

08:00AM – 06:00PM

Event Info

Company Representative :

1) Ms. Pramita Chakraborty
2) Mr. Pravin Kulkarni
3) Mr. Hemanl Parekh
Chair Person :

Mr. N. S. Zulpe
(Vice-Principal, COCSIT, Latur)
TPO : Mr. K. S. Jeve

There was an On-Campus Recruitment Drive conducted by Wipro Technologies, for the 2016 passing out students on 5th February 2016.

Final year students of UG - BCA, B.Sc(CS), B.Sc(SE), B.Sc(BT), B.Sc (Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science) and PG - M.Sc(CS), M.Sc(SE), M.Sc(SAN)) with minimum of 60% marks in UG and 50% marks in 10th and 12th were eligible to participate in the recruitment drive.

The selection process consisted of 3 stages: General Aptitude Test, Technical Interview, & HR Interview.


* List of the Selected Students for Wipro Technologies